Lynx Scotland: Inside the rural community where four big cats were illegally released
Lynx Scotland: Inside the rural community where four big cats were illegally released
Lynx Scotland: Inside the rural community where four big cats were illegally released
Big cat group says lynx are already living in the Scottish wild as they claim 160,000 sightings
Loch Ness Monster mystery reignited as 20ft object seen in lake’s waters
Two more Lynx spotted in Highlands one day after big cats captured
Loch Ness Monster hunter who’s studied creature for 50 years reveals what ‘Nessie’ really is
Loch Ness monster captured ‘shooting off like torpedo’ in jaw-dropping new sighting caught on camera
Has Nessie been found?
Loch Ness Webcam Watcher Spots Large Anomaly
Nicholas Witchell’s secret history as a Loch Ness monster hunter – The Times
Experienced Boat Captain Captures Gigantic, Mysterious Monster-Shaped Sonar Image at Loch Ness, Sending the ‘Nessie Craze’ Into Full Swing Yet Again!