Javan Tiger may still exist
Javan Tiger may still exist
Javan Tiger may still exist
Rare golden tiger
Arabian Leopard Fund announces scholarship to help conservationists save endangered big cats
Arab News
RIYADH: The Arabian Leopard Fund has announced the launch of a 50-student scholarship program to provide the next generation of conservationists …
Arabian Leopard Fund announces scholarship to help conservationists save endangered big cats – Arab News
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Scientists discover the reason there aren’t more Bigfoots – Metro
Has Homo florisiensis survived?
Water monster in China. Residents near the huge Three Gorges Dam in east China were left baffled when they saw the black object slithering through the water surface. They said the suspected monster is about 20 metre (60 feet) long and ‘moves like a snake’ just feet away from the river banks.
Dr Chris Clark, veteran of many CFZ expeditions had for some time wanted to return to the Central Asian country of Tajikistan. He decided to take a small team back there in the summer of 2023. He wanted to concentrate on the Karatag Valley in the north-west of the country. Chris had worked on editing Russian scientists, Boris Porshnev’s unpublished 1963 book on relic hominids. From Porshnev’s expeditions and research he thought the area would prove fruitful.
The Centre for Fortean Zoology had published Porshnev’s work as The Soviet Sasquatch and it contained many accounts from the west of Tajikistan. He wrote:
“The area situated between the Karatag and Shirkent Rivers, and the Karatag Valley stretching to the mountains to the Mura Pass leading to Iskanderkul Lake, was once, according to the nomadic Uzbek people, inaccessible to people. A Tajik villager from Hakimi said that the Pashmi Valley has a rich walnut forest and water, but had long been devoid of people because …”the hairy wild men from the mountains would push boulders down the mountain and throw stones and force people to leave these places.”
Bizarre ‘mermaid’ creature
Year 2 of Project Cheetah
Creature spotted in lake in China