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Big cat sightings in Worcestershire: deer carcass Harvington
Big cat sightings could be leopards, claims expert
Loch Ness Monster mystery reignited as 20ft object seen in lake’s waters
Two more Lynx spotted in Highlands one day after big cats captured
The number of big cats on the loose in the British countryside now more than 100
Ohio Hunter reports spotting Bigfoot from his tree stand
New York State resident claims he saw Bigfoot tracks in driveway
Big cat sighting in Melksham – BBC Radio Wiltshire
8 Foot Long Catfish to Take UK Record! – Wired2Fish
Ohio Hunter Reports Bigfoot Sighting
Rare Creature Seen for First Time Since 2018, Vermont Officials Say. ‘That’s No Bobcat’
This odd fish halted construction of a massive dam in 1973. Turns out, it isn’t real