Earless rhino
Earless rhino
Earless rhino
Mysterious rhino horn
Can this “frozen zoo” resurrect the Northern White Rhino?
A pack of dogs have been trained to protect South Africa’s wildlife, and have already saved 45 rhinos from: being poached.
Many breeds of dog from beagles to bloodhounds have – been used to protect the endangered species from poachers. The dogs begin training from birth and learn how to handle all – the pressures of real operations before beginning to work at 18 months old.
Remains of a wooly mammoth, a rhino, and a wolf unearthed on a building site
The Ice Age creature was discovered in the thawing permafrost in the Yakutia region in Russia’s extreme north in August. It is thought to be the best-preserved woolly rhino found there yet.
Rhinos: scientists are hanging them upside-down from helicopters
Interviews with those involved in captive breeding of the Sumatran Rhino.