As bombs rattle their enclosures, thank heavens for the heroic keepers caring for the animals in Kyiv zoo

Thursday 10th March 2022

August 8, 2019, Kiev, Ukraine: Tony the gorilla is seen as he celebrates his 45th birthday in Kiev zoo..The gorilla Tony was born at the Zoo in Nuremberg (Germany) on 1974. Subsequently he was in the zoos of Hanover and Saarbrücken, and since September 29, 1999, Tony moved to Kiev Zoo. Tony is only one the gorilla in Ukraine.

Animals hate war as much as humans. But in a zoo within earshot of the front line they cannot hide, let alone escape it altogether like Ukraine’s two million homo sapien refugees

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Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman has been the zoological director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology since 1997, and has authored a number of books on the subject of Cryptozoology. He has carried out many major expeditions in search of mystery animals. He also writes fiction.