UK, Cheshire: Another big cat report

Wednesday 9th June 2021

The state of big car reports from Cheshire continues with the story of an alleged big cat seen by a lorry driver at night behind Costco in Chester. The driver, named Dom said:

“I was joining the M56 Eastbound from the slip road off the A494 next to the VOSA checkpoint.

I was driving my artic lorry and as I left the roundabout to join the slip road a large cat crossed the slip road left to right, from the back of Costco towards the wasteland in the centre of the motorway junction.”

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Jonathan Downes
Cryptozoologist, naturalist, musician, singer, composer, poet, novelist and Director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology since 1992. Jon was born in Portsmouth in 1959 and spent his infancy in Nigeria and his childhood in Hong Kong. His wife Corinna died of cancer in 2020, leaving him with two stepdaughters and a six year old granddaughter called Evelyn.