In Search of a British Man-Beast: The huge forests of the United States are home to Sasquatch. The Abominable Snowman roams the Himalayas. Australia has a similar beast, the Yowie. In China there lurks a giant, bipedal creature called the Yeren. From the Caucasus Mountains in Eurasia stories of the Almas circulate.
“Fortean authors are a rare and vanishing breed. They often write about a wide range of peculiar and arcane subjects, and in 2010 Fortean Words started a series of books anthologising those writers we believe to be the most important Forteans writing today. Each of […]
Texas – or the Lone Star State, as it is affectionately and widely known – is the second largest U.S. state in both area and population, and contains both colorful and majestic landscapes that range from desert to plains, and forest to wild canyons. But […]
In her 1883 book, Shropshire Folklore, Charlotte S. Burne wrote: ‘A very weird story of an encounter with an animal ghost arose of late years within my knowledge. On the 21st of January 1879, a labouring man was employed to take a cart of luggage […]