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126 Results For - Zoo

Zoo welcomes first giant anteater baby in 85 years

This cute little pup is the first giant anteater to be born at Dudley Zoo, in Birmingham, for 85 years!

The baby – who doesn’t have a name yet – was born on 17 January and keepers say it is “healthy and alert”.

Its parents Lyra and Bubbles surprised keepers when they found out they had had a baby, but said it was “fabulous news”.

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Endangered animals: Zoo teams up with ‘biobank’ to save animals from extinction

Paignton Zoo in Devon, is the latest organisation to team up with a charity, called Nature’s Safe, which cryogenically freezes genetic samples of animals.

So far, the charity has made a ‘biobank’ of frozen samples from around 80 different species at its laboratories.

Nature’s Safe is one of Europe’s first biobanks dedicated to preserving endangered animals in this way.

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