A “monster butterfly” in the United States-1904

Monday 13th February 2023


The Star (Reynoldsville,Pennsylvania) of December 28th,1904 reported the following: ” A Monster Butterfly – Early in October Mrs W.T.Cox while in the grape arbor noticed a very large cocoon. Her curiosity being aroused she cut the twig off to which it was attached and hung it up in the dining room , near a gas jet. On Sunday morning ,December 18th it sent forth a monster butterfly of great beauty in colors. It measured five inches from tip to tip of its wings. It is still alive and doing well at this writing.”

The largest butterfly in the United States is the Giant Swallow-tail, with a wing span of between 4.6 and 7.4 inches,so this butterfly of 1904 may have been this species.

Butterfly #23: GIANT SWALLOWTAIL | It is the largest Butterf… | Flickr

Richard Muirhead
Richard Muirhead has been a friend of the CFZ longer than anyone else. He first ,et Jon Downes in 1970 when they were both living in Hong Kong. They have been friends ever since.