5-animals that changed humanity forever

Tuesday 14th December 2021

5-animals that changed humanity forever

Cave painting

Cave painting

Humans have lived with animals for so long, it’s hard to imagine there was ever a time when we didn’t have furry or feathered companions to help us in one way or another. Although the number varies depending on how you define “domestication,” science has identified 30-40 species we’ve either outright domesticated or with whom we’ve at least forged connections for our mutual benefit. Whatever the criteria, domestication was by no means a simple or linear process. It happened in fits and starts over millennia, at different times and places across the globe.

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Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman has been the zoological director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology since 1997, and has authored a number of books on the subject of Cryptozoology. He has carried out many major expeditions in search of mystery animals. He also writes fiction.